How are PAN-AMERICAN ABCs different?

LAMP/lámpara, LION /leòn, etc. Cognates have the same beginning with the SAME FIRST LETTER in both English and Spanish.

How can parents assist if they don't speak English?

They can begin with development of beginning sound awareness, which is a basis for ABC progress. They can ask, "Do Emily and Enrique begin alike?" Looking at Spanish/English examples, TRAIN/tren, TURTLE/tortuga, "Do they begin alike?"

Do these pictures begin alike? (Perennial Issue)

TURTLE/tortuga, TRAIN/tren, etc. Easy to respond: YES!

How might "language savvy" teachers further ABC progress?

When teacher’s expand their supply of traditional ABC visuals to include Cognates Spanish/English images (BOAT/barco, BICYCLE/bicicleta) ABC progress follows.

Is Phonics for Latinos - ABCs in Common a complete program?

No, since Spanish and English are merely similar, not identical, some shared letter sound unity is not possible. H, J, K, Q, W, X, and Z are not included in the program. However, the program provides fast image recall.