Spanish/English ABC TRAINERS:

When progress is slow…isn’t it time to check your ABC ‘tools’?

Do they fit kindergarteners from Spanish-speaking homes?

B is for barco/BOAT E is for elefante/ELEPHANT P is for pera/PEAR

     When progress is slow…isn’t it time to check your ABC ‘tools’? Do they fit kindergarteners from Spanish-speaking homes? Currently, Latino kindergartners from Spanish-speaking homes are caught a language mix-up between ESL and the ABCs. English ABC examples, B is for BEAR/oso, have an inherent delay factor. Teachers justify their use because, “They’ve got to learn English. They have to grow into it”. Whereas with Cognates, B is for BICYCLE/Bicicleta, there is no time delay factor hampering effectiveness. Cognates work immediately.

     There exists an actual non-fit between kindergartners from Spanish-speaking homes and English-only picture clues. For it will take a while for kindergartners to consistently identify English images and their beginning sounds.

     Latino names do reflect many English letter sounds: Maria, Ramon, etc. Make no mistake, HISPANIC kindergarteners already have one foot in the ABC process.